
ot sure what to do on Outdoor Classroom Day? Never fear! Here you will find a wide range of resources that aim to inspire and help you plan for the day. We’ve included books, lesson ideas and printable materials to help you tell everyone about YOUR Outdoor Classroom Day!

We’ll keep updating these resources. If you have lesson ideas you would like to share please use the form below, or why not post on Twitter or Facebook?

Use the tabs below to browse the resources, or use the search bar to find more specific material.

  • Outdoor Librarya core set of detailed books we’ve developed covering all aspects of how and why to get involved.
  • Lesson Ideasnuggets of inspiration to spark ideas for what you can do on the day and all year round.
  • Materials everything you need to tell parents, pupils and the community about your day.

We'd love to hear your ideas!

If you have an awesome idea or resource for Outdoor Classroom Day that you’d like to share you can upload it using the form below.

    Select your file...


    عند تقديم هذا الطلب فإنك تعلم أنه سيتم جمع معلوماتك الشخصية وأنها ستستعمل لتزويدك بآخر المستجدات عن برنامج يوم الصف في الخارج ،كما هو موضح في سياستنا الخاصة

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    Wohoo! Top marks for signing up!

    Thanks for joining the movement, we can’t wait to see what you get up to on the day! Please share this with your colleagues and friends to help us make it possible for every child to get outdoors to learn and play every day 🙂

    Thank you for supporting Outdoor Classroom Day!

    We’ll send you a newsletter shortly.

    Time to play is critical for every child – share your moments with us by tagging #OutdoorClassroomDay and make every day a day to learn and play outdoors!

    Thank you for supporting Outdoor Classroom Day!

    Thanks for joining the movement we can’t wait to see what you get up to on the day! Please share this with your colleagues and friends to help us make it possible for every child to get outdoors to learn and play every day 🙂 Check out the resources tabs for ideas for the day – and to make learning and play part of every day!

    Wohoo! Top marks for signing up!

    Thanks for joining the movement, we can’t wait to see what you get up to on the day! Please share this with your colleagues and friends to help us make it possible for every child to get outdoors to learn and play every day 🙂

    Thank you for supporting Outdoor Classroom Day!

    We’ll send you a newsletter shortly, but in the meantime why not print out this poster and take it to a teacher you know…?

    Time to play is critical for every child – share your moments with us by tagging #OutdoorClassroomDay and make every day a day to learn and play outdoors!